Thursday, August 5, 2010

Atalanta And Hippomenes: Saving More Than Pride

 More about the artist...

Greek mythology tells the story of huntress Atalanta in many versions. From all, we can take note of what an incredible young woman this was, fighting and hunting fiercely like a bear. She had no equal…as no wish to attach herself sentimentally to anyone.

Of course, suitors almost rained from the Greek sky for such a remarkable lady, well endowed with a tantalizing beauty, to boot! But, as most Greek myths go, a bit more than mild cruelty added up to the story. Atalanta’s father decides, apparently agreeing to the young woman’s wishes (wicked wishes, to be more precise…), to allow all her suitors come forward for marriage proposals. These would be “processed” for considering in an uncommon way: the pretender would have to win Atalanta’s hand in a race, instead of begging for it on one knee. The race would be against Atalanta herself, winning a death sentence instantly, had the suitor the bad luck of being outrun by her.

Father and daughter, united in the purpose of repelling pretenders in this unconventional way, had great success. Atalanta could run faster than a deer, and faster than any other person. Curiously, while Atalanta’s suitors disappeared for ever in this fatal fashion, new ones never stopped from volunteering and giving it a try, yes, a deadly one.

Hippomenes was one of these self-confident young men. He had his good amount of glorious reputation, too, if not as magnificent as that of Atalanta's. But what he lacked in speed, he over brimmed in wit. The day of the race he showed up sure of his good luck, which to everyone's amazement worked to the best wonders. Finally someone won against thunder fast Atalanta!

His trick? He made some plans ahead. He asked Aphrodite for a favor, which she answered in the form of a few golden apples. Apparently, the goddess knew what a greedy little thing this Atalanta was. Even Hippomenes was surprised when the young beauty stopped dead in the middle of the race, to retrieve each of the fallen apples that he let go intermittently.

Right at this point is where I wonder what really went on there. I think it might not have gone exactly as it appeared to the naked eye. Avarice on behalf of Atalanta, a beautiful and successful woman, who was a god's daughter? She, who could have anything she wanted, as her history of never ending pretenders faithfully stated? Hum...maybe not...

Maybe it was convenience she thought of. Hippomenes was another story of success in himself. No other man could equal Hippomenes' sharp skills, making of this young man the best match for this extraordinary girl, her continuously growing pride probably coming to a dignified stop, finally. And if she outraced this one, too, she would stay lonely forever, her wicked father at her side, helping her plan who knows what other product of dementia for the future. So she bent obediently to pick up each of the shiny fruits.

Or maybe it was pity she felt for Hippomenes, her feminine intuition telling her that such pricy treats were not obtained so easily. Such things usually had a divine origin. Knowing how capricious Greek gods could be, such favors had generally a high price to pay in return. Being aware of what this pretender was risking for obtaining her hand in marriage, and feeling charitable towards the best of her fellows in sports, probably she thought it was time to renounce to the crown accrediting her as the fastest runner in the universe.

Or maybe it was love at first sight, which is the possibility I like best to consider (...sighs!). Hippomenes was very handsome, with the attractiveness his tough daily life molded his muscular body with. One good look at this young man convinced Atalanta that it was worth it. And not just being nice to look at, this man was the best hunter and runner she ever had known, even if a notch below her skills. So, maybe then she suggested herself the apples plan to a more than willing Hippomenes.

And probably it was her idea that he would get a few more (as in my oil painting), just for precaution. The formidable Aphrodite provided him with just three...In any case, Atalanta would need to have considerable "distraction", for the sake of appearances, with everybody knowing how fast she could run. After a long and hair rising history of fatal rejections for all her suitors, it wouldn't look good if Atalanta let Hippomenes win easily. The apples fitted perfectly to her machinations!

But Hippomenes probably had one more reason to accede smoothly to Atalanta's idea. Attracted to her as he was, maybe he felt it his duty to protect her reputation and dignity, thinking he wouldn't like her feelings bruised by her first lost race. What if he truly could outrun her after all, even without those darn apples? Death would appeal to him like a sweet treat, in place of the monstrous rage he might unleash from Atalanta, had he the indelicacy of letting himself win, shamelessly, in this comfortable fashion.

From the different versions of ending for this story, a popular one tells about how the newly weds celebrated their union, just after the race was won by Hippomenes. Ja, see? If it was not a plan between the two lovers, how could both of them end up happily celebrating? Common sense makes it more plausible that Hippomenes would celebrate, while Atalanta hid her humiliation and discomfort behind a dead serious face, in the best of scenarios. What would really be expected in this case, as Greek mythology usually went, is an outraged Atalanta, asking for some god's help, in order to take some creative revenge against Hippomenes.

In the following part of the story, according to one of the many versions, an angry Aphrodite brought death upon Hippomenes, apparently because he forgot his debt to her, in the bliss of celebrations. In this direction of the story, I think that the real reason for the goddess' anger was another. Secretly discovering that she was the fool in the middle of the lover's genial plans, must have triggered the goddess worst humor.

Another version of ending for this story states that Aphrodite, or Zeus, turned both newly weds into lions, because of their lack of proper honoring the goddess, or their irreverence in one of Zeus' temples. Apparently they were engulfed in a cloud of lust, that drove them to make love right there in the temple. They were punished accordingly, changed to the forms of wild beasts that Greeks thought couldn't mate together.

But I like to stay with the version of ending that tells about the fortuitous escape to safeness of both lovers, away from Aphrodite's fury.

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